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Smokable Herbs: Your Ultimate Guide!

If you want to try any of these, here's a link to tell me which ones and I'll send you some!


There's something magical about the smoke rolling into the sky from a bundle of herbs, wrapped in paper, crackling as it burns. 

If you've been smoking for a while, you might be looking for a way to branch out or try new things. After all, no matter how experienced we are at sex, there's always a way to level up, am I right? 

This is a topic I am absolutely over the moon and passionate about, and it is my enormous pleasure to share this with you. I am so excited for you to level up the special time you put aside for connecting with your body and finding peace and center. 


OMG, hi! To what do I owe the pleasure!? Welcome, welcome to our little place where I share the wonder and awe of this endlessly mysterious and gorgeous world!

If you do not currently smoke and you're just here to look around, then have a seat. The herbs I'm sharing have no disclaimer for developing addiction, they're just for funsies, feel-goods and medicinal purposes. 

Cigarette Smokers

I am so happy you're here. You are going to love these gorgeous herbs, whether you are adding them to your tobacco and hand-rolling, or whether you are seeking an alternative. Either way, your life is about to get exponentially more beautiful and pleasurable. 

Cannabis Smokers

Like a lot of you, I have been smoking the devil's lettuce since I was a teen. Did you ever wrap your dirt weed with flavored paper in the middle of the night to blow off the back patio? Do you remember those clear wraps? That was like top-of-the-line technology. Talk about y2k vibes. 

Maybe you like dabs, moon rocks, wax, whatever new way to lift off. Those are great for high potency. 

But maybe, like me, you prefer the OG: Flower. 

My big sister taught me how to roll blunts and to this day, I am a Grandmaster with a Swisher Sweet (grape flavored).

I am happiest with a blunt, but I will smoke the entire blunt and they take quite a bit to fill. 

A few years ago, I was low on flower and glanced at my shelves full of herbs. At the time, I'd been experimenting with tinctures, witchcraft, balms, teas. You see where this is going. 

I had a spark of inspiration (pun intended, sorry).

I had never smoked anything but cannabis or tobacco (or a leaf one time on a dare), but I was like, why the hell wouldn't there be other herbs you can smoke?

So I did some research. So I wouldn't accidentally smoke something lethal and have my family find me dead on the back porch because I wanted to stretch my weed.

I fell into a world of possibilities and incredible magic. 

I could not believe all the plants we can use in so many incredible ways. (I still can't remotely fathom, you know).

Honestly, I was only searching for herbs that tasted nice, but there is an enormous list of plants that give direct effects to the body and the mind. 

These days, I add herbs to every single bowl I smoke, and the joints I roll are unbelievably satisfying -- and everyone says they smell like perfume! I am not making that up. 

Because you are inhaling these substances, they are acting in your body almost instantaneously. 

There are many different effects, with some herbs sharing characteristics. They have multiple elements so you can choose from the intricate energy, style, and mood you are creating.

Flavor Herbs

These ones you add as a complement to add a little kiss to the experience. 


It is so bright, sweet, and floral. Honestly it's a little buttery, it's so rich and smooth! Calendula instantly takes your bowl / blend to the next level. It is the cherry on top of a mouthful of herb smoke. It's even soothing for your respiratory system, which always gets a place of honor and high use on my smoke shelf. Plus it's so gorgeous. Sometimes I throw it in a smoke blend just because it's so pretty!


Tastes ... minty. I personally like chocolate mint, but I am a special little picky princess about herbs (everything). It's what you think it is: cool, refreshing, and soothing. Mint is both refreshing and invigorating. It's like a little gentle kiss on the forehead because it makes you calm in such a light way. Totally reliable, always high quality and satisfaction. 


Also known as lime blossom. So sweet!!! Even honey-like. It is very light, delicate, and floral, and tastes a little bit like citrus and even kind of minty sometimes. Ugh, just so wonderful!! Amazing in tea. 


... You guessed it. Lemony. This is a pretty light flavoring. This is another one that is both calming, uplifting, and also really nicely refreshing


Lemony. And sweet, a bit gingery, even--in a good way. I mean I fucking love ginger, so it's always a good way for me, IDK what you're into. Bright, sunshine-y lemongrass is refreshing, citrusy, and calming

Active Herbs

Alright listen. These ones are my holy grail, grab in a fire, go-to smoking buds. 

With my level of anxiety & stress, the chaos that is my life and my household, and my mental illness (ugh, drama), no matter how wound up I am, can't get my heartrate down, fingers shaking ... 

These are my favorite plant allies & friends. 

They will help you -- instantly, remember?


This one is first because it is a delicious addition for flavor and also relieves stress. It tastes deliciously sweet, floral, and soothing, and it smells delicate. Like, light, you know what I mean. It is also sensually stimulating *salacious wink*. Jasmine is calming to both body and mind, which will let you finally fucking relax for once. 


Sweet, bright but calming flavor, and will take your stress within the first second.
Try this one in your very first bowl, it is the first one I ever recommend to anyone!!!
You will literally feel instant effects and when that happens, you'll be like "holy shit Kaity does know what she's talking about! This is crazy!!!" It even has like a hint of apple or honey kind of flavor, and smells nice and floral. Don't use the ones from your tea bags, they probably have shit on them you don't want to inhale. 


Very floral, fragrant, strong flavor. This one is great, but not as relaxing as chamomile or prickly lettuce. Use a little because it can get overwhelming quickly. No, less than that. 

Prickly Lettuce 

This one is the fucking star of the show. It's also called Opium Lettuce, and you're not gonna believe it's probably all over your backyard. 

This one is the herb that WILL get you high on a lesser level than cannabis, so if you're sensitive to that kind of potency, this is a perfect one to try. It's the perfect one to try no matter what. This is the second one I ever recommend and I literally cannot shut the fuck up about it. It can taste a little burn-y. Smoke with a neutral herb or a flavoring herb like mint, I'm going to share some of my favorite blends a little bit later in this article. 

Rose Petals

These are calming, but the taste can easily be unpleasantly overpowering. Only put a little bit. Seriously. Less than lavender, but those two together is *chef's kiss*. Some people get a euphoric feeling when they add these in, and it can make some people feel sexy (aphrodisiac). Roses? A plant that encourages love? Shocker. It's not one of my favorites, but that's partly because it's my family name and I don't like following people's expectations. 


This one is calming, relaxing, and mildly euphoric. Damiana has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor, with a subtle floral and herbal aroma. My favorite part is that it's an aphrodisiac, mainly for women. This is like The Aphrodisiac for us, if all of history is to be believed. I mean, give it a shot. See if it makes you hungry for touch. It's not only for women and some women don't respond that way. In general, it's also very relaxing, but doesn't make you sluggish. 


This is very relaxing. Only use a little bit & probably with no other relaxing herbs. It is calming, relaxing, even mildly sedative. Skullcap has a slightly bitter and earthy flavor, with a subtle minty and herbal aroma that can be soothing. 


Used to treat anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks. This one is actually a mild sedative, so keep that in mind when you're sprinkling it into your vessel. Passionflower feels calming, relaxing, and slightly euphoric. It is a light, sweet flavor and has a floral, herbal smell. Lovely chill-out plant


Not just for cats! My sister smoked this when she was a teenager one time because she was out of weed. My mom made fun of her real bad, but jokes on her, because catnip makes you feel calm, relaxed, and even slightly euphoric. This one has a chill, light flavor and similar to kitties, causes relaxation in humans. Catnip tastes a little minty and earthy, it smells lightly herbal and grassy, and actually feels pretty soothing when you smoke it. 


Calms anxiety and mood swings, fights depression and many other mental health problems. A little bitter. This one feels calming, relaxing, and slightly uplifting

Gotu Kola 

Gotu Kola tastes a little bitter and earthy, and lightly sweet. It's refreshing while also being relaxing, and is a helpful stress reliever

Holy Basil 

Tastes very interesting. It's slightly spicy, peppery, and slightly sweet, with a refreshing and cooling effect. It's is commonly used to reduce stress and anxiety, help think clearly, and it's an adaptogen.

Licorice Root

Licorice root has a sweet, earthy, and slightly woody taste. This one is relaxing, too. It is often used as a natural sweetener and I use it in most of my mixes to create a soothing and deliciously sweet tea. Licorice root works to reduce inflammation, soothe sore throats and coughs (!), and helps digestive health.

Marshmallow Leaf

This one tastes smooth, mild, and slightly sweet flavor with a subtle earthy undertone. It helps soothe and coat the respiratory tract. So this one and licorice root, I pair together when I have a cough or a sore throat. It's also anti-inflammatory and slightly relaxing. 


Mugwort has a strong, bitter taste with a slightly sweet and earthy undertone. The smoke is also known for its pungent and aromatic qualities. It also helps to improve digestion and reduce anxiety. This is one I have been working with for years before my foray into herbal medicine because it has also been used forever in spiritual or ritual contexts because it enhances intuition and psychic abilities... You WILL have crazy ass dreams, and if you have any spiritual sensitivity, you might even hear the silly ghost in your house that keeps opening your air fryer and turning off your fan in the middle of the night put their mouth to your ear and politely say, "Hello". 


The flavor is pretty mild, slightly sweet with a smooth, soothing smoke. It's slightly relaxing and calming. This one is the base of most smoking blends and needs to be in your inventory. I put mullein into almost all my mixes because it is like licorice root and marshmallow root, soothing to the throat and specifically wonderful for the lungs, great for things like coughs, congestion, bronchitis. It's awesome for the respiratory tract in many forms. It is an expectorant. 


There are so many incredible things about nettle, but for smoking, it has a mild and slightly earthy flavor, with a smooth and gentle smoke and feels soothing and calming. Nettle is great for allergies, helping reduce inflammation and histamine release (!!), and even arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.

Raspberry Leaf 

Raspberry leaf has a mild, slightly sweet and earthy flavor with a smooth and calming smoke. This is one of my go-to's for anyone who has problems with menstrual cramps. It's awesome for pregnant women, but I fully oppose you smoking anything with a baby in your belly. 

Roasted Dandelion Root

This one goes in like all my blends. It tastes so sweet! It smells like .. you know those peanut butter sugar balls people make for Christmas? It tastes like them, too! I actually harvest this one out of my backyard in early spring time, there is a wild abundance and I grab as much as possible. 


Yarrow has a slightly bitter and earthy taste with a smooth and calming smoke. Yarrow is one of my top 5 favorites, it's effing incredible for so many parts of the body, but particularly for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It reduces inflammation, relieves pain, and helps healthy digestion, supports the immune system and reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress

Yerba Santa

When smoked, yerba santa has a slightly sweet and minty taste with a smooth and mild smoke. Yerba Santa is another herb that's great for respiratory health and like mullein, it relieves symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions by opening up the airways and reducing inflammation. It's also used sometimes used to support digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.

If you want to try any of these, here's a link to tell me which ones and I'll send you some!

I'm so excited for your new adventures with each incredible plant you add to your mix! I'm writing up a list of my favorite blends, and I'll link it here as soon as it's finished. 

If you try any of these, leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

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